Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Europe, the IMF and the Debt Committe

Howdy Viewers,

Why our markets are still affected by Europe is beyond me, but is happening none the less. The major banks are getting hammered, and quality stocks posting good numbers are getting hammered because of the fear people have in losing their savings. I get it, I watch my portfolio plunge into the red every day, but you must not let this alter your investing strategies. As I have said all along keep your money anywhere from 50-50 stocks to fixed income or 30-70 or visa versa. Whatever your risk tolerance is make sure you keep no more than a 70-30 ratio in order to keep diversification in your portfolio. Also, make sure you invest in companies that you trust and respect, and ones that have a 3-6% dividend to give you that protection against the volatility of the market.

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